Healthy Recipe: Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats
The time has come! It is officially the first day of fall; a day that we've been anxiously waiting for. Although it may not feel like it quite yet, it’s time to start loading your arsenal with pumpkin recipes that are both delicious and healthy (and easy, of course).T...
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Healthy Recipe: Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
As we write this article, we know we're going to have two different responses. The first will be “don’t you DARE start talking about pumpkin yet, it’s still summer!” The second will be “YES! BRING ON ALL THE PSLs!” Whether you decide to e...
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Healthy Recipe: Blueberry Protein Pancakes
If you follow the health scene on Instagram at all, you're probably familiar with protein pancakes. Everywhere you turn there’s a beautifully crafted picture - and maybe some pictures that aren’t so beautiful – of different types of protein pancakes...
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The Power of Protein: Different Types of Protein Powder
Protein powders are perhaps one of the most popular supplements on the market; and there's a reason why - they’re an extremely convenient and portable way to add protein to any meal. You can throw some protein powder in a smoothie, stir it into oatmeal, or even...
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Healthy Recipe: Grilled Cauliflower Steaks
This weekend marks the official start of summer. Although the weather has already been heating up, now is the time when everyone will start getting together for cookouts - a favorite summer activity. Typically, the fare at a cookout is less than healthy and you have two cho...
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Should I Skip Meals to Lose Weight?
It seems like a no-brainer — skipping meals and ignoring your stomach's moaning and groaning means you’ll take in fewer calories, which will eventually lead to weight loss, right? Not so fast. When you skip meals, you’re actually setting your body up to fa...
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Navigating Nutrition Bars: How to Choose the Best Option
Because they are so portable, which happens to make them extremely convenient, nutrition bars (or energy bars or protein bars - it doesn't matter what you call them) are often a staple for dieters. They seem like an easy and healthy option to stave off hunger in betwe...
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Avocados: The Good Kind of Fat
Ever since fat has been exonerated as the sole cause of weight gain (and other health problems), avocados have boomed in popularity. For many, they're a go-to healthy fat source; for others, they can be a bit intimidating, especially if you don’t know how to choose an...
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Healthy Recipe: Berry Banana Overnight Oats
Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but it's also one of the most commonly skipped meals, for several reasons. We understand that it’s not practical to think that you’re going to be able to get up extra early to prepare yourself a healthy meal b...
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Starting Your Day Right: How to Choose a Healthy Breakfast Cereal
According to ABC News, 31 percents of adults who actually eat breakfast (you should be one of those adults, by the way), choose cereal as their morning meal. There are a variety of reasons for this, but one of them, of course, is convenience. Cold breakfast cereal is fast, it&rsq...
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