More than one-third of adults in the United States are estimated to be obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In order to help combat these statistics, it’s important to understand what obesity is. This knowledge not only helps prevent the condition, but also encourages those who are overweight to get the help they need to be healthy.
What is Obesity?
Obesity is a health condition caused by developing dangerous amounts of excess fat on the body. In general, the term is used as a label to help individuals and medical professionals assess health. Generally, an adult with a body mass index (BMI) score of 30 or higher is considered obese. However, it’s important to keep in mind that your BMI number is only a general estimate. To fully determine whether or not you’re obese, you’ll need to meet with a weight management professional or physician.
Immediate Effects of Obesity
To answer what is obesity, you need to first look at how the condition affects your body. Obesity makes it difficult to perform even simple daily activities. Excess weight can reduce your mobility and affect important aspects of your life like sleep. Additional weight also places stress on the joints, resulting in ankle, knee and lower back pain and inflammation. Obesity can also cause psychological impacts, reducing your confidence and increasing the risks for anxiety and depression.
Long-term Effects
When left unaddressed, obesity has serious long-term health consequences. Obesity plays a significant role in the development of diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, high cholesterol, gall bladder disease, liver disease, reproductive problems, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and even certain kinds of cancer.
The one light in the fight against obesity is that it’s both preventable and curable. Weight management through the right diet, exercise and general health routine can reverse obesity, as well as helps prevent and reverse the physical side effects of the condition. To learn how you can start your weight loss journey, fill out a new patient form today.
Image by : Kyle May