Product of the Month! Mango-Plex with Raspberry Ketone
February may be the shortest month of the year, but there's still plenty of time for you to crush your weight loss goals. We do want to make life a little easier for you, though, by offering one of our best selling supplements - Mango-Plex with Raspberr...
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Beyond Weight: Why Soda Is Bad For You
This sentence is probably not going to come as a big surprise: soda is bad for you. Most people are aware of this fact, and yet it's estimated that nearly 50 percent of Americans still drink soda at least once a day.One of the major problems with this, and another statemen...
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Bottoms Up! Why You Should Drink Water All The Time.
You've been told time and time again that water is important for your health; that you should be drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses per day (even though this general advice may not be entirely accurate), but do you know why? You could just take our word for it...
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Maintaining Weight Loss May Come Down To Your Traits
For many people, losing weight is the easy part; it's keeping it off that’s the struggle. That’s why fad diets or weight loss trends don’t have much staying power. Sure, they’ll help you lose the weight, but most of them aren’t sustainable, so...
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Product of the Month! Metasol ™ Low-Molecular-Weight Lychee Polyphenol (Oligonol®)
Back by popular demand, this month's FREE product to go along with our monthly special, which includes:Physician Consult & Weekly Weigh-ins Meal Plans FDA Approved Medications MetaBlast Supplements Craveaway Supplements Weekly Upgraded Injection of B-12 Bi-Weekly...
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Recipe Makeover: Healthy Pumpkin Mousse
A lot of people put their weight loss goals off for the holidays and succumb to a weight gain that they feel is “inevitable”, but don't let that be you! Sure, it’s easy to say that you’ll get on track after the holidays; that you’ll really buck...
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Is Weight Loss the Answer for Atrial Fibrillation (AFib)?
Right now, it's estimated that 2.7 to 6.1 million people have atrial fibrillation, or AFib, a type of irregular heartbeat. When someone has AFib, the beating of the upper chambers of the heart, called the atria, is irregular and the blood doesn’t pass from the upper c...
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Product of the Month! Go Bean Green Coffee Supplement
November is here, which means it's the unofficial start of the holiday season. The next 2 to 3 months are certainly going to be a test of your willpower and strength, but we know that you can handle it!This month, our monthly special product was chosen specifically to help...
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Too Sweet to Be True: Diet Soda May Stall Weight Loss
If you've made the switch to diet soda in an attempt to lose weight, you’re not alone. Approximately one-fifth of the U.S. population consumes diet drinks on any given day; however, diet soda, which replaces sugar with artificial sweeteners, may be doing more har...
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Product of the Month! Lipotropic Complex by Integrative Therapeutics
It's OCTOBER! Can you even believe that? In addition to pumpkin spice lattes, Halloween costumes, and cooler weather, that also means a new product included with our monthly special. With this special you receive 4 WEEKS of everything listed below for only $295 (that’...
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