
close up of Metasol low molecule weight dietary supplement label

Product of the Month! Metasol ™ Low-Molecular-Weight Lychee Polyphenol (Oligonol®)

There's a popular expression that says “summer bodies are made in the winter”. In simple terms, this means that if you want a rockin’ bikini bod come June, you need to start preparing for that body NOW. Instead of turning to comfort foods during the cooler...

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Go Bean Green Coffee Supplment

Product of the Month! Go Bean Green Coffee Supplement

November marks the unofficial start of the holiday season. In addition to gratefulness and holiday cheer, there's also temptation (in the form of food and drinks) everywhere. We’re big believers in balance — focusing on your goals while allowing yourself a treat...

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a close up of a woman's stomach with a pair of oversized jeans

New Weight Loss Hopeful: Acceptance-Based Behavioral Treatment (ABT)

The weight loss industry is a big one. Scientists are always diligently working to find the best diets and the most effective workouts that together, will set you up for weight loss success. While diet and exercise are extremely important when it comes to weight loss, a new study...

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someone holding a cup of coffee with coffee beans on a saucer

Coffee and Weight Loss: Do They Mix?

When it comes to coffee and weight loss, there are two sides of the coin. Some say caffeine can boost your metabolism and others say that coffee is off-limits during a weight loss regimen. So what gives? Are you impeding your progress by drinking that cup of Joe or are contributi...

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there is a empty white plate with a gold rim on a wooden table

Should I Skip Meals to Lose Weight?

It seems like a no-brainer — skipping meals and ignoring your stomach's moaning and groaning means you’ll take in fewer calories, which will eventually lead to weight loss, right? Not so fast. When you skip meals, you’re actually setting your body up to fa...

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Product of the Month! Integrative Therapeutics 7-Keto Lean

It's a brand NEW month, so you know what that means - a new product to go along with our monthly special, which includes:Physician Consult & Weekly Weigh-ins Meal Plans FDA Approved Medications MetaBlast Supplements Crave-Away Supplements Weekly Upgraded Injectio...

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there are many different foods on the table ready to be eaten

5 More Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

Last week, we discussed some of the most common roadblocks to weight loss. You know, those things that sneak in under the radar even when you're “doing everything right”. If you’ve gone through that list and haven’t had your “ah-ha” momen...

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close up of a woman measuring her waist with a tape

5 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

When you're eating healthy and following a regular exercise routine, there is nothing that’s more frustrating than a scale that refuses to budge. Sure, you may be experiencing other benefits, like increased energy, less bloating, and a happier mood, but let’s be...

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woman laying in bed with white sheets and pillows

5 Habits that Guarantee Long-Term Weight Loss

There's a problem with the way the world looks at weight. For many, weight loss is considered a short-term thing. You have a big event coming up, or summer is creeping up on you, so you have to scramble to lose those pounds that you put on during the rest of the year. Or yo...

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cereal with milk and strawberries on a spoon

Starting Your Day Right: How to Choose a Healthy Breakfast Cereal

According to ABC News, 31 percents of adults who actually eat breakfast (you should be one of those adults, by the way), choose cereal as their morning meal. There are a variety of reasons for this, but one of them, of course, is convenience. Cold breakfast cereal is fast, it&rsq...

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