
there is a woman sitting beside a couch on the floor with her hands on her face

Reducing Stress: Your Key to Weight Loss

April is National Stress Awareness month. And while the definition of stress varies among individuals, a common theme is that stress not only prevents you from reaching your weight loss goals, it can do a number on your health in general.One of the immediate ways stress contribu...

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woman sitting on a beach with a towel and a pair of shoes

Is Stress Keeping you From Reaching Your Weight Loss Goals?

Last week, in honor of American Heart Month, we talked about how stress affects your heart health. This week, we want to break down how stress can prevent you from losing weight — or at least make it a lot harder.We live in a time of stress. Whether this stress is real (a...

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notebook with a pen and the words new year, plan, and action

Why You Shouldn’t Make New Year’s Resolutions

What we're about to say may surprise you, so hold onto your seats. Ready? Are you sitting down? We don’t think you should make any New Year’s resolutions this year. Now we know this isn’t the popular opinion, but hear us out.According to statistics, roughl...

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there are two glasses of egg nog with a cinnamon sprinkle on top

Get Choosy With Your Holiday Cocktails – How to Indulge without Gaining Weight

The holiday season isn't just a time where food abounds; it’s also a time where the liquor flows like water. Everywhere you look there’s fancy schmancy holiday cocktails - peppermint this or eggnog that – and while it all sounds delicious, havin...

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there is a cup of tea on a saucer on a white background

Easy Tips for Beating That Post-Holiday Bloat

Thanksgiving has come and gone. You spent time with your family, had some laughs with your friends, and now you're left still feeling bloated and full. If you overindulged (and seem to keep overindulging), you’re not alone - and it’s okay. It happens to th...

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Reverse Aging with Juvederm

When it comes to turning back your skin's clock, Botox® is the talk of the town, but Botox® isn’t the only solution on the block. In fact, Botox® works best when combined with other interventions, like Juvederm ®, a dermal gel filler that picks up...

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a blackboard with a chalkboard with the words stress and relax written on it

Cortisol Manager: Your Secret Weapon for Stress

Stress. It's an inevitable part of life. No matter what you do, you’re going to be affected by stress in some way. This stress can come from having too much on your plate; or from financial burdens. Or this stress may be perceived, meaning it comes from thou...

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there is a photo of a Instagram social page

Five Health and Fitness Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow

When it comes to recipes, health tips, and general motivation and inspiration, Instagram is an absolute goldmine. It may seem counter-intuitive to spend a lot of time browsing through social media when you're trying to lose weight, but if you properly control your feed &nda...

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television with a remote control and a variety of apps displayed on teh screen

Binge Watching TV is Bad for Your Health.

These days, the opportunity to binge-watch your favorite TV shows is literally at your fingertips. There's Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Fire Stick, AppleTV, Roku, OnDemand - I could continue, but I think you get the point. It may seem harmless to sit and veg out for a few ho...

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Please take a compliment text image

The Power of the Compliment

Recently, we've noticed a trend. We don’t think this is a new thing. In fact, we think this is something that has been going on for quite some time, but when we say “recently”, we mean we’ve been paying more attention as of late.Picture this: two peo...

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