Binge Watching TV is Bad for Your Health.
These days, the opportunity to binge-watch your favorite TV shows is literally at your fingertips. There's Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Fire Stick, AppleTV, Roku, OnDemand - I could continue, but I think you get the point. It may seem harmless to sit and veg out for a few ho...
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Beat the Bloat: How to Get a Flat Tummy
Bloating can affect anyone of any size. Even if you don't have weight to lose, you may experience bloating in the tummy that leaves you with a rounded abdomen instead of a flat one. This is a common problem and one that could have several different causes (which we discusse...
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Beat the Bloat: Common Causes of Bloating
Bloating, which is generally caused by the buildup of gas in the digestive tract, is a common complaint; but just because it is common doesn't mean it’s normal. Many people think that bloating is an unavoidable response to eating - and while it may be depending...
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Need Help Sleeping? Melatonin Has Your Back.
Insomnia - or an inability to fall asleep and/or stay asleep – is being recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a major public health concern. It's estimated that a whopping 50 to 70 million Americans have some type of sleep difficulty.N...
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Should I Skip Meals to Lose Weight?
It seems like a no-brainer — skipping meals and ignoring your stomach's moaning and groaning means you’ll take in fewer calories, which will eventually lead to weight loss, right? Not so fast. When you skip meals, you’re actually setting your body up to fa...
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Navigating Nutrition Bars: How to Choose the Best Option
Because they are so portable, which happens to make them extremely convenient, nutrition bars (or energy bars or protein bars - it doesn't matter what you call them) are often a staple for dieters. They seem like an easy and healthy option to stave off hunger in betwe...
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5 More Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight
Last week, we discussed some of the most common roadblocks to weight loss. You know, those things that sneak in under the radar even when you're “doing everything right”. If you’ve gone through that list and haven’t had your “ah-ha” momen...
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5 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight
When you're eating healthy and following a regular exercise routine, there is nothing that’s more frustrating than a scale that refuses to budge. Sure, you may be experiencing other benefits, like increased energy, less bloating, and a happier mood, but let’s be...
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The Age of Sitting: How to Move More at Work (and Why You Want To)
In recent months, there was an article headline that proclaimed that sitting has become the new secondhand smoking. Most of us know that there's a recommendation to exercise at least 30 minutes at least five days a week, but new research is showing that this may not be enou...
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Water Hacks: Tips to Drink More Water
In the beginning of this month, we explained the reasons WHY drinking water is so important. Yet, even though you know you're supposed to be drinking plenty of water, and you have every intention to do so, you may still fall short of your needs from time to time. First of a...
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