
there is a woman sitting at a table with a laptop

The Age of Sitting: How to Move More at Work (and Why You Want To)

In recent months, there was an article headline that proclaimed that sitting has become the new secondhand smoking. Most of us know that there's a recommendation to exercise at least 30 minutes at least five days a week, but new research is showing that this may not be enou...

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a close up of a can with a drop of water on top

Beyond Weight: Why Soda Is Bad For You

This sentence is probably not going to come as a big surprise: soda is bad for you. Most people are aware of this fact, and yet it's estimated that nearly 50 percent of Americans still drink soda at least once a day.One of the major problems with this, and another statemen...

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there is a glass of water with ice on a table

Bottoms Up! Why You Should Drink Water All The Time.

You've been told time and time again that water is important for your health; that you should be drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses per day (even though this general advice may not be entirely accurate), but do you know why? You could just take our word for it...

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there are two glasses of champagne sitting next to a clock

Tips for Making Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Tomorrow starts a brand new year. That means it's time to make big, lofty goals to completely transform yourself as a person, right? Hmmm, not so fast. A new year is a time for a fresh start, but part of the reason that New Year’s resolutions get a bad rap is because...

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woman lifting a dumb bell with a smile on her face

Maintaining Weight Loss May Come Down To Your Traits

For many people, losing weight is the easy part; it's keeping it off that’s the struggle. That’s why fad diets or weight loss trends don’t have much staying power. Sure, they’ll help you lose the weight, but most of them aren’t sustainable, so...

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there is a glass cup of water with a leaf in it

Beyond Your Breath: Health Benefits of Peppermint

December is the season to be jolly - it's also the season where peppermint pops up all over the place. Sure, mint is a delicious addition to your favorite treats, but did you ever stop and think about the health benefits that come along with the powerful herb?Benefit...

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a heart beat line with a green heart on it

Is Weight Loss the Answer for Atrial Fibrillation (AFib)?

Right now, it's estimated that 2.7 to 6.1 million people have atrial fibrillation, or AFib, a type of irregular heartbeat. When someone has AFib, the beating of the upper chambers of the heart, called the atria, is irregular and the blood doesn’t pass from the upper c...

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three halloween jack o lanterns and the words Happy Halloween

Use Caution: Halloween Safety Tips for You and Your Family

You know us for being all about weight loss - but did you know that we're also all about family? Tomorrow is Halloween. It’s a time for fun, candy, tricks, and treats. The night is full of excitement, especially for young children who immerse themselves int...

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coconuts and a glass of coconut milk with a straw

Say Goodbye to Dairy: How to Make Coconut Milk

If you've been paying attention to the health industry at all, it’s highly likely that you’ve seen that non-dairy milks are all the rage right now. Everything from coconut milk to almond milk to oat milk to rice milk is popping up on grocery shelves across the c...

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there is a glass of soda and a green bottle on a table

Not So Natural: Why You Should Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup

A lot of people, especially those who work for food manufacturers who use a lot of high fructose corn syrup, will say that high-fructose corn syrup is just like any other sweetener - that there is no reason to avoid it, especially since it comes from corn, which is healthy...

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