Your Lymphatic System: Part 2
Last week, when we talked about your lymphatic system, we gave you some quick tips about what you can do to keep this vital system thriving. We didn't get into detail about the “how” or the “why”behind some of these tips yet, because we thought...
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Your Lymphatic System: Part 1
You're probably familiar with the terms “lymphatic” or “lymph”, but how much do you know about this important, yet under-loved body system? The lymphatic system is arguably one of the most important systems in the body, and yet it doesn’t get m...
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Binge Watching TV is Bad for Your Health.
These days, the opportunity to binge-watch your favorite TV shows is literally at your fingertips. There's Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Fire Stick, AppleTV, Roku, OnDemand - I could continue, but I think you get the point. It may seem harmless to sit and veg out for a few ho...
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The Power of the Compliment
Recently, we've noticed a trend. We don’t think this is a new thing. In fact, we think this is something that has been going on for quite some time, but when we say “recently”, we mean we’ve been paying more attention as of late.Picture this: two peo...
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Beat the Bloat: How to Get a Flat Tummy
Bloating can affect anyone of any size. Even if you don't have weight to lose, you may experience bloating in the tummy that leaves you with a rounded abdomen instead of a flat one. This is a common problem and one that could have several different causes (which we discusse...
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Beat the Bloat: Common Causes of Bloating
Bloating, which is generally caused by the buildup of gas in the digestive tract, is a common complaint; but just because it is common doesn't mean it’s normal. Many people think that bloating is an unavoidable response to eating - and while it may be depending...
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Need Help Sleeping? Melatonin Has Your Back.
Insomnia - or an inability to fall asleep and/or stay asleep – is being recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a major public health concern. It's estimated that a whopping 50 to 70 million Americans have some type of sleep difficulty.N...
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Midday Naps: Should You or Shouldn’t You?
Spain is well-known for its siestas: a period of time when businesses close to allow business owners (and patrons) to take some time off to go home rest. In America, our afternoon naps typically end when we advance from Kindergarten to first grade, but maybe that's part of...
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Avocados: The Good Kind of Fat
Ever since fat has been exonerated as the sole cause of weight gain (and other health problems), avocados have boomed in popularity. For many, they're a go-to healthy fat source; for others, they can be a bit intimidating, especially if you don’t know how to choose an...
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5 Habits that Guarantee Long-Term Weight Loss
There's a problem with the way the world looks at weight. For many, weight loss is considered a short-term thing. You have a big event coming up, or summer is creeping up on you, so you have to scramble to lose those pounds that you put on during the rest of the year. Or yo...
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