
woman in a black sports bra top and white towel looking at her cell phone

Fitness Apps: Your Virtual Accountability Partner

A roundup of our favorite fitness apps to help you achieve your goalsDid you know that people who keep a regular food journal are more successful at meeting their weight loss goals than people who don't? One study published by Kaiser reported that those who wrote down what...

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close up of a woman holding a glowing object in her hands

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

As men and women age, they may develop an imbalance in hormone production. Commonly seen after the age of 50, this imbalance may develop even earlier due to diet and lifestyle habits. The symptoms of hormone imbalance often include increased stress and fatigue. In fact...

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a mirror with a dropper and liquid spilled on the mirror

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Can It Really Help You Look Younger?

As researchers learn more about what factors influence the way we age and how our bodies work, it's more apparent than ever the role hormones play in staying healthy. So what is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and how can it help you stay healthy and young?Hormones...

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there is a bowl of fruit and a spoon on a table

Easy Self-Care Ideas to Improve Your Health and Wellness

Why you should make time for self-care and how to make your own wellness a priority—especially this winter. Making your wellness a priority is more important now than ever before. We're entering flu season on top of COVID. Winter months mean longer nights and le...

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there are many vegetables and eggs on a cutting board on the counter

5 Health Benefits of Vitamin B12

Whether it's through your diet or injections, you need to make sure you have enough vitamin B12 each day.Did you know that your body can’t produce all the essential nutrients it needs on its own? There are molecules that aren’t created by processes in the body...

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someone cutting up a kiwi on a cutting board with a knife

3 Ways Vitamin C Injections Boost Your Immunity

Recover faster and stay healthy with vitamin C injections. One of the best vitamins for your immune systemIn a world with Covid and countless other viruses going around, a strong immune system is something we all want to have. Especially right now. While washing your hands...

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a woman is jumping in the air on the beach with her arms outstretched

Immune Booster: Protect Yourself from Getting Sick

Earlier in this year, we laid out some of the best natural ways to boost your immune system, but since then, we noticed that having a healthy immune system has become even more important to a lot of our clients.You're probably already familiar with the basic advice: Was...

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close up of a woman's stomach in a black top and blue jeans with a black belt

Probiotics and Your Immune System

It was Hippocrates, who is often coined as the “Father of Medicine,” who said that all disease begins in the gut. The gut has become an increasingly popular topic over past severals. Now, more than ever, it's important to keep your gut healthy to help keep your...

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pink today I am grateful journal with pen and leaves

5 Health Benefits of Gratitude

Times are strange right now and with so much uncertainty in the world, it's easy to get caught up in stress and worry, instead of gratitude. While that’s certainly a normal response to everything that’s going on, stress can actually decrease your immune system a...

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woman sitting in chair reading a book on a tablet computer

Sitting Too Much? How to Counteract Negative Effects with Exercise

With a stay-at-home advisory in Arizona (and all over the world), a lot of us are spending significantly more time at home—and much more time sitting too much.We've touched on this issue before and discussed how reports are describing too much sitting as th...

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