Acupuncture is an ancient practice with origins in China, but it has recently become a popular treatment for Westerners seeking to lose weight and treat a number of ailments. It has now been increasingly embraced by practitioners in the West interested in its ability to alter the body’s energy and restore balance to its flow by inserting very fine needles into the skin.
People gain weight for a multitude of reasons, including slowed metabolism, inadequate nutrition, hormone imbalances and overeating, and acupuncture can be used to address many of these issues.
Weight gain may also be caused by an interruption in the energy flow of the body, specifically to and from the hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for regulating many hormones and processes. Ideally, this part of the brain runs like a well-oiled machine, but when it is off balance, it can make your hunger levels go haywire.
Acupuncture and Hormone Regulation
Studies show that acupuncture affects one of the hormones related to the hypothalamus and regulation, called ghrelin. This hormone is related closely to leptin, the compound in our bodies that regulates metabolism and fat storage.
The Many Benefits of Acupuncture for Weight Loss
Acupuncture can produce many positive effects for people who are trying to lose weight, including fewer cravings, a decreased appetite, an increase in metabolism and better digestion. The practice can also improve the health and functioning of the liver, which makes many of the compounds that are critical to healthy digestion and nutrient use.
For best results, you should only see a qualified acupuncture practitioner, like those at Valley Medical Weight Loss, and make acupuncture part of a comprehensive weight loss plan.
Image By: Praisaeng