Things You Should Be Doing NOW to Get in Shape for Summer.
There's a popular phrase that says “summer bodies are made in the winter”, which in layman’s terms means that you should be really honing your diet and exercise routine in during the winter, so that you can strut your stuff come summertime. Unfortunately...
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Product of the Month! Stevia Extract Liquid
It's a NEW month, so you know what that means - a new product to go along with our monthly special, which includes:Physician Consult & Weekly Weigh-insMeal PlansFDA Approved MedicationsMetaBlast SupplementsCraveaway SupplementsWeekly Upgraded Injection of B-12Bi...
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Valentine’s Day Ideas That Don’t Involve Dinner
Going out to eat has become a favorite pastime and a go-to social event. Night out with the girls? Dinner and cocktails. Date night? Movie and a romantic dinner. Business meeting? Lunch with your boss. It seems like no matter what the event, food is always involved. Now there&rsq...
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Some of The Worst Weight Loss Advice We’ve Ever Heard
Everywhere you turn, there is someone waiting to give you advice about the best way to lose weight. Maybe it's to drink only lemon water with cayenne pepper for 7 straight days or to stand on your head while eating breakfast and dinner or to spin around in circles while eat...
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Breaking News: The Hottest Fitness Trends of 2015
The New Year may have just started, but researchers are already taking some educated guesses as to what the hottest fitness trends of the 2015 will be. CrossFit - a training program that gives you a full body workout using elements of cardio, weight lifting, gymnastics...
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The Carbohydrate Manifesto: Are Carbohydrates Good For You?
In the 1990s, fat was the black sheep of the nutrition family. Once the early 2000s rolled around, fat was given some slack (although not too much) and the blame for all things evil was put on carbohydrates. Everyone jumped on the low-carbohydrate diet bandwagon and began to see...
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Healthy Holiday Recipe Makeovers!
It's December and that means the holiday season is in full force. You got through Thanksgiving and now it’s time for Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year celebrations. All you want to do is eat, drink, and be merry, but it’s difficult to be merry when you’re...
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What is Quinoa and What Do I Do With It?
Move over rice, there's a new grain - or pseudograin if you want to get technical – in town.Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) is not a new food, but over the past few years, it’s gotten extremely popular and for pretty good reason. Quinoa has some...
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What’s the Deal with Organic Food – And Why Should You Care?
As more and more consumers move toward the concept of whole health solutions — diets that promote health and well-being, prevent disease, help cure illness, and protect the environment — the demand for, and as a result, the production of, organic food increases. Howev...
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Troubleshooting: How to Make Your Diet Work For You
How many times have you heard someone say “Ugh, I can't. I’m on a diet.” followed by a sigh or a longing look or even an eye roll? How many times have you said it yourself? Being on a diet means you can’t have the things you want. Being on a diet mea...
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