New Weight Loss Hopeful: Acceptance-Based Behavioral Treatment (ABT)
The weight loss industry is a big one. Scientists are always diligently working to find the best diets and the most effective workouts that together, will set you up for weight loss success. While diet and exercise are extremely important when it comes to weight loss, a new study...
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Healthy Recipe: Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats
The time has come! It is officially the first day of fall; a day that we've been anxiously waiting for. Although it may not feel like it quite yet, it’s time to start loading your arsenal with pumpkin recipes that are both delicious and healthy (and easy, of course).T...
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Coffee and Weight Loss: Do They Mix?
When it comes to coffee and weight loss, there are two sides of the coin. Some say caffeine can boost your metabolism and others say that coffee is off-limits during a weight loss regimen. So what gives? Are you impeding your progress by drinking that cup of Joe or are contributi...
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Fasted Exercise: Should You or Shouldn’t You?
Although it's getting a lot of attention in the fitness world in recent months, fasted exercise - or working out on an empty stomach – is not a new idea. Some people have been swearing by fasted exercise since the very beginning, while others just swear that it&...
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Product of the Month! CarbCrave Complex
Although the summer is not officially over until September 22nd, the fall is slowly creeping in. We know it's tempting to ease up on your diet plan and weight loss goals a little bit as the weather starts to cool down, but we’re here to help keep you on track.After al...
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Healthy Recipe: Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
As we write this article, we know we're going to have two different responses. The first will be “don’t you DARE start talking about pumpkin yet, it’s still summer!” The second will be “YES! BRING ON ALL THE PSLs!” Whether you decide to e...
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Cortisol Manager: Your Secret Weapon for Stress
Stress. It's an inevitable part of life. No matter what you do, you’re going to be affected by stress in some way. This stress can come from having too much on your plate; or from financial burdens. Or this stress may be perceived, meaning it comes from thou...
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Five Health and Fitness Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow
When it comes to recipes, health tips, and general motivation and inspiration, Instagram is an absolute goldmine. It may seem counter-intuitive to spend a lot of time browsing through social media when you're trying to lose weight, but if you properly control your feed &nda...
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Binge Watching TV is Bad for Your Health.
These days, the opportunity to binge-watch your favorite TV shows is literally at your fingertips. There's Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Fire Stick, AppleTV, Roku, OnDemand - I could continue, but I think you get the point. It may seem harmless to sit and veg out for a few ho...
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Healthy Recipe: Blueberry Protein Pancakes
If you follow the health scene on Instagram at all, you're probably familiar with protein pancakes. Everywhere you turn there’s a beautifully crafted picture - and maybe some pictures that aren’t so beautiful – of different types of protein pancakes...
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