
several containers of sweet potatoes are sitting on a table

The Nutrients That Put The “Sweet” in Sweet Potatoes

Although sweet potatoes weren't part of the fare available at the very first Thanksgiving, they have since become a staple on tables across the nation. Many people like them because they’re sweet and creamy - a combination that rivals many desserts – but w...

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cooked chicken in a roasting pan in an oven

10 Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving

Although the real reason for this holiday - giving thanks and practicing gratitude – is spelled out right in its name, let's be honest: a big part of Thanksgiving is the food. And although we might not like to admit it, typically that food is full of fat, calori...

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there is a plate of food that includes chicken wings and a dip

Healthy Recipe: Buffalo Cauliflower Bites

It's October, which means playoff baseball, especially if you’re a Red Sox or a Dodgers fan. Even if you don’t care about baseball, you’ll probably find yourself at some championship game and/or World Series party. What you may not find is a healthy snack...

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there are two spoons and a fork outlines made of powder

Sugar: Nutrition’s Bad Guy

You've probably heard this before, but just in case you haven’t: added sugar is not good for you. Fat gets the flak for many health problems, like obesity and heart troubles, but it’s really sugar that’s largely to blame. And with candy covering the shelve...

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a close up of a bowl of candy

Ditch the Candy: Tips for Getting Through Halloween

Halloween is quickly approaching and we're not sure what’s scarier: the ghosts and goblins running through the streets or the sheer amount of Halloween candy overcrowding the shelves. Everywhere you look there are bags and bags of chocolates, chewy candies, and sour c...

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there is a pile of shredded cabbage and tomatoes on a table

Healthy Recipe: Apple Jicama Coleslaw

September is here and you know what that means: apples are everywhere. And if you're one of those people who likes to go apple picking, you’ll probably end up with a 20-pound bag of apples in your refrigerator that you have no idea what to do with. You can only make s...

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there is a woman with a red lipstick and a black dress

Banishing Those Wrinkles with Botox ®

At Valley Medical Weight Loss, we believe that looking your best is a big part of what makes you feel your best. And when you feel your best, you're able to face the world with more poise and confidence. That is why we offer non-surgical injections, like Botox® Cosmetic...

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someone holding a pumpkin in their hands in a forest

Not Just for Pie: The Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Fall is creeping in and you know that that means - pumpkin everywhere you turn. When you think of pumpkin, you may have visions of pumpkin pies and pumpkin spice lattes dancing in your head, but the gourd – which is actually classified as a fruit botanically – o...

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there is a woman eating a piece of food with a fork

Busted: Metabolism Myths (and What’s Really Going On)

Your metabolism is the cornerstone to your weight loss success. Because of this, people are often quick to point the finger at their metabolism for stalls in weight loss or try metabolism-boosting tips and tricks that their mother's friend’s cousin told them about. Wi...

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there is a half broken coconut on a white surface

Should You Go Crazy for Coconut Oil?

These days, you can't pick up a magazine or surf the internet without hearing about coconut. Coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut butter - it’s all the rage. If you asked any health expert a few years ago if you should eat coconut regularly, the answer would be a...

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